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Blood Don't Lie Vocabulary List


When it comes to defining vocabulary words throughout the text, you may want to allow your students to define the words using the context clues around them in the chapter, or by trying to think of synonyms. This allows students to become more connected to, and actually think about, the text as opposed to simply writing down words and definitions.


Vocabulary Words in order of appearance in the text:


1. Bat Mitzvah (p.3)-Jewish coming of age celebration for girls (


2. Bar Mitzvah (p.3)-Jewish coming of age celebration for boys (


--If some students are Jewish and have experienced either of these celebrations, ask them to tell their stories. Show students pictures or videos as well.


3. Rabbi (pp. 3, 23, 40, 152, 174) -spiritual leader of Judaism or the Jewish community


4. Ultimatum (p. 3)-a final proposal or statement of conditions


5. Yarmulkes (p. 4)-a special cap worn by jewish males during prayer or religious study


6. Conceited (p. 7)-full of oneself; thinking one is the best 


7. Holocaust (p. 24, 40, 59, 66)-the systematic mass slaughter ofEuropean Jews in Nazi concentration camps during World War II (


8. Kosher (pp. 4, 40) -fit or allowed to be eaten or used, according to the dietary or ceremonial laws of Judaism (


9. Maniacal (p.73)-of or relating to mania (


10. Peripheral (p.98)-near the surface or outside of (


11. Rivet (p.99)-to hold (the eye, attention, etc.) firmly (


12. Derogatory (p.100)-tending to lessen the merit or reputation of a person or thing;disparaging; depreciatory ( 


13. Psychologist (p.122) -a specialist in psychology (


14. Psychology (not in book, but may be necessary for students to understand the meaning of psychologist)-the sum or characteristics of the mental states and processes of a person or class of persons, or of the mental states and processes involved in a field of activity (


15. Psychiatrist (not in book, but might be necessary to define for students to learn the difference between a psyhologist and a psychiatrist)-a physician who practices psychiatry.


16. Psychiatry (not in book, but may be necessary to define for students to understand the meaning of psychiatrist)-the practice or science of diagnosing and treating mental disorders (


**In essence, a psychiatrist has a medical degree and can prescribe medicines for people with mental disorders; a psychologist, on the other hand, allows one the opportunity to discuss concepts, aspects of life, and one's problems/joys/fears in a safe environment without judgment.


14. Allegedly, or Allege (pp. 76,130)-to assert without proof (


15. "Baruch atah adonai" (p. 132)- "Praised are you." (


16. Berating (p.136)- to scold; rebuke (


17. Cantor (p.152) the religious official of a synagogue who conducts the liturgicalportion of a service and sings or chants the prayers and parts of prayers designed to be performed as solos (


17. Gallivant (p.187)-to wander about, seeking pleasure or diversion (


18. Futile (p.197)-incapable of producing any result; ineffective; useless; not successful (

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